Thursday, 7 April 2011

The National Problem Of The Zambian Youth

The biggest problem, which is national by the way, being faced by the Zambian Youth and which it has to overcome is DISUNITY. The Youth of Zambia is not united and as such it is failing to make meaningful contribution to the national growth and wellfare of the nation. The Youth of Zambia is divided along partisan lines. Any way, this is typical of multiparty systems. In systems were you have one party setups, youths are united under one umbrella of the single party. We experienced it in Zambia under the KK era of One Party Participatory Democracy. Youths had one programme which was planned by the Ministry of Youth and Sport, if I remember correctly. This is the reason why, youth revolutions succeeded in such one party systems because youths were already united and organised and easily shared sentiments. Even now we can see what is happening in the Arab World where the youth is organised under unipolitical setups. All the same, the Youth of Zambia has to do something. The Youth of Zambia must come up with a National Agenda that will address this partisan divide. (To be continued ...)

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