Friday, 18 March 2011

In the Fingertips!

The philosophy is based on the question Who is really in Charge?

I was a master of my life. I could pretty much predict the next step another person was going to take. I could manipulate individuals and crowds to what I wanted them to do and none could see that what they had just done was not there will but mine! I mean, according to me.Life, the world was "ON MY FINGERTIPS". 

Then,  I thought....even deeper this time to consider: Wait a minute! ....What if.....just what if life has had me right in its fingertips and has been using me as a tool to achieve it designated goals! Probably "spoon feeding" me with the knowledge that I lived thinking I had acquired by my personal efforts. Preparing me for the end  thought I was destined. And when it finally knew that I was ready, it launched me into accomplishing the end that I though was my final act. And at the time i thought I was a hero,  I was but one of life's successfully executed tools in hand.

When I thought Life was in my fingertips, I was actually the tool in the fingertips of life being moved to accomplish what life had beforehand intended! 

So, the next time you think you are in control, try to think a little deeper as to whether we are the ones who've  gat it or its got us. Figure out who's fingertips are ruling! 

Let me bring this point home. There are the players and the played. Most often, the players think they gat the  game right on their fingertips and they never really open their eyes to see that their game  is actually playing them too! Most players are in games where they are the played and because they think they got the upper hand, deceived by their own sense of superiority never wake up to see that all their efforts are just but a consistently sustained length of "make your opponent  think their moves are the source of results"

I hope one way or the other, today's blog will open the eyes of one or two to always esteem others in high regard. You never know what they know in life and how often your attempts to outsmart always render you foolish to the onlookers!!


Rowliv Out!!

rowliv: Introductionsa

rowliv: Introductionsa: "Hai guys! I am, in, this is my first day and so I will try to be subtle! Basically, I like to talk about people and people issues: anything..."

Thursday, 17 March 2011


Hai guys! I am, in, this is my first day and so I will try to be subtle!

Basically, I like to talk about people and people issues: anything from Sexual attraction to raising children! Peer pressure, deadlines, lovemaking tips, maintaining and servicing long distance relationships and how to get the love-life you have always wanted. It will be great being here with you guys and to top it off, I come with a dangerous sense of humour! Later guys